Нусхаи чоаи

  On 19 march 2021, in honor of presentation of the next initiative of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, president of the RT Emomali Rahmon "2025 - International Year of Protection of Glaciers" and international day of water resources (22 march) in the institute of water problems, hydropower and ecology of NAST a scientific and practical seminar on "The principles of integrated water resources management" was held.

   Scientists, staff and masters from the institute, as well as representatives from the committee for environmental protection under the government of Tajikistan, and the research center for ecology and environment of Central Asia took part in the seminar.

   Director of the Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology of the National Academy of sciences of Tajikistan, associate professor Amirzoda Orif Hamid opened the seminar with welcoming remarks.

   Yarash pulatov, head of innovative technologies and scientific-educational research department of the institute, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, oxford academy (Great Britain) delivered a comprehensive report based on accurate scientific data and made necessary conclusions and proposed some recommendations in the conclusion.

   Dr. Nosirov, senior scientific associate, Dr. Kobuli, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, K. Asoev, senior scientific associate, and Isfandiyor Shukurov, head of water resources protection department of the committee for environmental protection under the government of Tajikistan took part in the discussion. During the event, the participants expressed their views on the rational use and regulation of water resources of Tajikistan.

Thus, the workshop was held at a high scientific level and the participants gave recommendations to sectoral ministries and departments on behalf of the Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences on further development of the sector.


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Last modified on Tuesday, 19 April 2022