The exam was opened with an introductory speech by the institute's director, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Amirzoda Orif Hamid, who congratulated the examinees on the beginning of the exam. He then noted his belief that all PhD candidates would successfully pass the exam.
Also present at the exam was the head of the Department of Master's, Postgraduate, and PhD Studies at the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Azizkhonova Rukhshona Gulbozkhonovna. In her speech, she once again emphasized that the requirements of the Regulations on PhD studies are being observed, and each PhD candidate must have at least three published articles in peer-reviewed journals.
The chairman of the commission, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Research Chemistry at the National University of Tajikistan, Ruziev Jura Rakhimnazarovich, also wished success to the examinees and briefed them on the exam conditions.
As a result of the state exam in the specialty 6D074400 - Hydraulic Structures and Construction - 1 person, in the specialty 6D090200 - Tourism - 2 people, in the specialty "Ecology" - 5 people, and in the specialty "Water Resources and their Use" - 1 person passed the exams with positive grades.
It is necessary to note that the PhD student in the specialty 6D074400 – Hydraulic Structures and Construction, Tokhirzoda Sukhrob Tokhir, answered all questions, as well as additional questions from the commission members, and received excellent grades.