The main objective of the conference is to contribute to solving problems related to: the current state and prospects of the rational use and protection of water resources; innovative methods of water resources use; ensuring sustainable development of various sectors of the Tajik economy; development of hydropower and use of renewable energy sources; history, current state and prospects of climate change; environmental problems related to water and climate; expansion of sustainable cooperation; exchange of information.
The proceedings of the conference will be posted on the website and a special issue of the scientific-practical journal "Water Resources, Energy and Ecology" of the Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan is envisaged.
Thematic areas of work for the conference:
- Innovative methods of using water resources;
- Integrated use of water resources in the context of climate change;
- Hydroecology, hydrochemistry and water quality;
- Sustainable development and green economy;
- Hydraulic structures and construction;
- Prospects for hydropower and renewable energy development;
- Energetics, resource- and energy saving;
- Recreational, touristic and medicinal value of the waters of mountainous areas;
- Problems of urban and rural water and electricity supply in mountainous conditions;
- Increasing the scientific and educational potential of the water sector.
Working languages of the conference: Tajik, Russian, English.
Form of participation in the conference: face-to-face (off-line) and remote (on-line).
Confirmation of your participation (application form) and topic of the paper (article) up to 10 pages of typed text should be sent by September 20, 2023 to IWPHEI NAST, 5/2, Bofand Street, Dushanbe (electronic version to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
WARNING! After receiving confirmation from the organizing committee that a paper has been included in the conference programme, foreign participants must pay the organizational fee by 25 September 2023.
The organizational fee for foreign participants of the conference is 100 USD at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan and includes the cost of the conference proceedings and participation in the conference.
Main Department of the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe
Checking account 20204972712010100002
Corresponding account 22402972000002
MFI 350101800
TIN 020011763
Application for participation:
Last name |
Name |
Surname |
Position |
Academic degree, academic title |
Title of the report |
Type of report (oral, no report, absentee participation) |
Participation mode: face-to-face; online |
Full name of the organization |
Postal address of the organisation (with postal code) |
tel./fax of the organisation |
Participant's contacts |
Phone, |
Requirements for the design of scientific articles
Articles should have a UDC index, keywords and an abstract in Tajik, Russian and in English languages. The optimal structure of an article is as follows: a short introductory part with a clear formulation and characteristic of the problem discussed, a substantive part, specific conclusions arising from the material presented, and a list of references.
The text is typed without hyphenation, aligned to the width of the page, Times New Roman font, size 14, line spacing 1, margins on all 4 sides 2 cm. Roman numerals are typed in English case.
Tables, charts, diagrams and figures should be grouped together to form one graphical object. Tables, charts, diagrams and figures should be titled. Numerical data shall be arranged in tables. Each table must have a number. The numbering of the tables is continuous. Abbreviations of words in tables are not allowed, except for units of measurement. Numerical values in tables and in the text must be given in SI units (mandatory).
Footnotes should be in square brackets, e.g. [3].
Example of a design:
UDC 631.3
Pulatov Y.E.1, Barbara Y.P.2, Pulatov S.Y.3 1Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology NAST, 2Kazakh-German University 3Tajik agrarian university named after S.Shotemur Tel: (+992) 111-75-56; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
В данной статье… Ключевые слова: сектора экономики, климатические изменения, …
In the paper … Keywords: economic sectors, climate change, …
Text of the report, text of the report, text of the report, text of the report, text of the report... References (in alphabetical order, page references are not allowed) |
The authors are responsible for the accuracy and scientific editing of the contributions.
Contact Information:
For in-person participation in the conference and consideration of articles, please contact the conference organizing committee:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact phone numbers: (+992) 93-728-72-72; 93-474-88-66; 919-33-77-42.
We look forward to continuing our cooperation
Last modified on Thursday, 29 June 2023